Finance and Investment Advisory Board

  • To make recommendations to Cabinet, or the designated officer in line with agreed delegations, in respect to investment decisions on funding programmes operated by the North East CA.
  • In accordance with the Single Assurance Framework, consider new funding applications and project variations and make recommendations to the Mayor and/or Cabinet, or designated officer, on investment decisions.
  • Play a key part in the overall assurance arrangements of the Combined Authority through delivery of its functions.
  • Assess investment proposals against strategic fit with North East CA’s Investment Framework ensuring golden thread.
  • Scrutinise the technical review of applications and project appraisals to provide assurance around value for money, due diligence, transparency and equity.
  • Oversight of performance and management of strategic risk at a programme level
  • As appropriate, act as a sounding board to provide strategic advice and guidance to North East CA on the development of external bids for additional funding, where North East CA will be the accountable body



Members details can be found below: 

Chair: Cllr Michael Mordey Leader of Sunderland City Council
Cllr Richard Bell Durham County Council
Cllr Catherine Donovan Gateshead Council
Cllr Alex Hay Newcastle City Council
Cllr Carl Johnson North Tyneside Council
Cllr Richard Wearmouth Northumberland County Council

Cllr Jane Carter
South Tyneside Council
Emily Cox Deputy Chair of Business Board
Lisa Goodwin CEO Connected Voice
Henry Kippin North East CA Chief Executive
Janice Gillespie Director of Finance and Investment at North East CA
Mags Scott Interim Section 73 Officer, Director of Finance and Investment at North East CA
John Softly  North East CA Monitoring Officer
John Hewitt  Chief Executive at Durham County Council
Dale Owens Chief Executive at Gateshead Council
Pam Smith Chief Executive at Newcastle City Council
Helen Paterson Chief Executive at Northumberland County Council
Jackie Laughton Interim Chief Executive at North Tyneside Council
Jonathan Tew Chief Executive at South Tyneside Council
Patrick Melia OBE Chief Executive at Sunderland City Council


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