Members details can be found below:
Chair: Cllr Michael Mordey | Leader of Sunderland City Council |
Cllr Richard Bell | Durham County Council |
Cllr Catherine Donovan | Gateshead Council |
Cllr Alex Hay | Newcastle City Council |
Cllr Carl Johnson | North Tyneside Council |
Cllr Richard Wearmouth | Northumberland County Council |
Cllr Jane Carter | South Tyneside Council |
Emily Cox | Deputy Chair of Business Board |
Lisa Goodwin | CEO Connected Voice |
Henry Kippin | North East CA Chief Executive |
Janice Gillespie | Director of Finance and Investment at North East CA |
Mags Scott | Interim Section 73 Officer, Director of Finance and Investment at North East CA |
John Softly | North East CA Monitoring Officer |
John Hewitt | Chief Executive at Durham County Council |
Dale Owens | Chief Executive at Gateshead Council |
Pam Smith | Chief Executive at Newcastle City Council |
Helen Paterson | Chief Executive at Northumberland County Council |
Jackie Laughton | Interim Chief Executive at North Tyneside Council |
Jonathan Tew | Chief Executive at South Tyneside Council |
Patrick Melia OBE | Chief Executive at Sunderland City Council |