
The North East Combined Authority is democratically governed by the Mayor and the Cabinet.

Here you will find information about how decisions are taken in accordance with the principles of good governance.

Decision making

The North East Combined Authority (North East CA) makes its decisions with transparency, efficiency and accountability. This process is set out in its Constitution, Financial Regulations and Assurance Framework.

The Forward Plan provides public notice of forthcoming key decisions that are to be taken by the North East CA and all decisions that are to be taken by Cabinet.


The Cabinet is the main decision-making body of the North East Combined Authority. It is made up of the Mayor and one councillor from each of the seven constituent authorities. There are also two non-voting members representing the business and, community and voluntary sectors.


The Audit and Standards Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are appointed to review the work of the North East CA. They are made up of councillors from the constituent authorities.

Delegated decisions

Every decision the North East CA takes is authorised by Cabinet, a committee or a joint committee. Most decisions are taken as a matter of course under the powers delegated to officers by Cabinet as set out in the Authority’s Constitution.  Some decisions require a formal written record to ensure we are complying with openness and transparency requirements. Here is where you will find details of those decisions.

Related information


Our draft budget covers investment plans for how we will deliver on the aims outlined in our seven portfolio areas. It facilitated the integration of the five organisations that were disbanded and reformed as the North East Combined Authority.

Document archive

Meeting agendas and minutes, decision notices and forward plans from the disbanded organisations are available in this archive of documents.

Advisory boards

Portfolio Advisory Boards bring together key stakeholders to support and advise the Cabinet in steering and delivering the North East CA’s strategies and programmes. Our advisory boards include Business board; Culture, Creative, Tourism, and Sport board; Economy board; Education, Skills, and Inclusion board; Environmnent, Coast, and Rural board; Finance and Investment board; Housing and Land board and Transport board.

Assurance Framework

Good governance and accountability is central to our culture and ways of working. We are committed to ensuring our decision making is supported by evidence, proportionate, transparent and defensible, and works effectively to support the delivery of our ambitions for North East England.

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