The North East Transport Plan and its programme of activity will help to make a big difference to the lives of people in the North East – our health, our environment and our economy. For years, our region has seen dramatically lower levels of transport investment than other areas of the country. Our plan will address this imbalance and boost spending on schemes which will be ‘game-changing’ for the North East and how we travel each day.
Projects in the plan include major improvements to regional walking, wheeling and cycle routes, new train stations, extensions to Metro, increased bus operations and a variety of major road and rail investments.
This is a hugely exciting time for the North East of England. A historic devolution deal is in place, with funding and local decision-making powers devolved to the region led by our elected Mayor, Cabinet and council leaders. With these new powers and funding at our disposal, the North East has a significant opportunity to address some of our long-standing challenges and grasp future opportunities to help improve the region’s economy, environment and health outcomes.
As a result, we are in the process of refreshing the North East Transport Plan which will set out the region’s transport priorities up to 2040. It will include a delivery plan, consisting of a funded package of interventions that will help to protect our environment by providing an attractive, seamless sustainable transport network for people and freight across the region.